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Team > Prof. Dr. Chris Odhiambo

Prof. Dr. Chris Odhiambo

Prof. Dr. Chris Odhiambo (Kenya) is Professor of Literature and Applied Drama at Moi University’s Department of Literature, Theatre and Film Studies. Has published widely in the fields of Literature, Applied Drama/Theatre, Popular Culture and Film. Has presented papers and keynote addresses on various topics in Literature, Theatre and Popular Culture in conferences and Seminars. In 2007 was awarded a two year Melon Research Fellowship at Wits University at the Department of African Literature and Dramatic Art Division. In 2013 was awarded Wits University’s SPARC Distinguished Scholar Award and has recently been awarded Alexander van Humboldt Senior Researcher Fellowship Award tenable from October 2015 to June 2017 in Germany.

Languages: English, Swahili 

Prof. Dr. Chris Odhiambo

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Susan Arndt

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